Pre Construct Archaeology in Arkley

Pre Construct Archaeology in Arkley

We offer pre construct archaeology services in the UK at fantastic prices. If you would like to get an idea on costs, please complete our contact form now and we will get back to you.

Pre Construction Services in Arkley

Pre Construction Services in Arkley

There are a range of pre construction services that are necessary to carry out. If you would like to speak to our team about getting an archaeologist to help, please fill in the contact box now.

Site Investigation in Arkley

Site Investigation in Arkley

We will need to carry out a site investigation to ensure the area is safe. If you would like a quote, please get in touch.

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Pre Construct Archaeology in Arkley

Pre construct archaeology in Arkley EN5 3 is an essential part of any large-scale building project. It is a legal requirement before building, deconstruction and breaking ground can take place, so it has to be done properly in order to avoid costly time delays.

It must be carried out by registered archaeologists in Arkley and it is imperative that it is able to carry out all the investigations, both above ground and below ground, that they are required to complete.

The reason for these surveys is to determine if there are any problems with the site which may cause issues for the build and in the future.

These surveys vary from something as small as field walking and collecting evidence from the surface, to invasive digging to determine potential drainage issues.

Assessments can also be carried out on existing structures, analysing their heritage values and the impact that the change could have on the surrounding areas, and superimposing images onto the land as it is before the new build takes place.

For more information on pre construct archaeology and built heritage services, please contact our team today using the enquiry form provided. 

Pre Construction near Me

Pre construction is a fairly self-explanatory title; it is the process that the archaeologist will undertake to determine that a project can go ahead before construction begins.

Many projects are at the mercy of an archaeologists survey because without their approval planning permission may not be granted. That is why it is essential that they are brought in at the very beginning to undertake their work which can include;

  • Environmental impact assessment - how will the new project affect the existing site and the nearby area?
  • Heritage concerns - if the site is of historical importance then how will this affect the build? Built heritage services can be carried out here. 
  • Appropriate surveys - this can be on the surface or invasive digging and can map out earthworks and pre-existing landscape features for future posterity
  • Observations and recordings - especially if the site is or may be of historical significance

What is Pre Construction Archaeology?

Pre construct archaeology (PCA) is the archaeological service provided before construction. 

So, let's look into what pre-construction archaeology is and why is it so important in even more detail...

For the vast majority of construction projects, planning permission is required before it can begin.

In order to achieve this permission, pre-construction archaeology must take place. In effect, the archaeologist has the power to shut down a project before it has even begun, so it’s imperative that they work together with the contractors to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as it can.

This is why pre construct archaeology is so important. It can identify any unforeseen issues with the site as it exists before construction begins, and even make projections about whether the new construction will be damaging in any way.

This could be both to any existing landmarks that have to be preserved or environmental concerns such as noise and traffic. Any disruption to the project timescale because of issues with the site can cost companies a lot of stress, money and even possible bad publicity if an opening deadline cannot be met.

The archaeology that is performed covers a number of different issues. Everything from possible drainage problems, to conserving existing monuments and buildings, to how the new site will impact upon the local area and beyond.

Pre Construction Archaeology Services

If you are need of pre-construction archaeology services in Arkley EN5 3 then you have come to the right place. We have undertaken thousands of archaeological surveys for construction on every scale, from the smallest beauty spot to huge shopping centres.

We have the knowledge and expertise to make your application for planning permission go smoothly, and we like involving the contractors as much as possible to help facilitate this.

Regardless of how many different investigations that need to be done, we treat each case with the same respect and high professional standards to ensure that your project comes in on time and on budget.

We use the latest technology to help us attain our goals and have an excellent working relationship with the various departments that need to approve the overall investigation, so you can rest assured that your project is in safe hands with us.

Site Investigation Near Me

A site investigation is absolutely essential in order to determine if a proposed site is viable. The infamous case of the remains of Richard III being discovered under a car park in Leicester is the perfect example of this.

Of course, you don’t find a King on every project, but it does perfectly illustrate why these pre-construction archaeology investigations are so vitally important.

Collaborating with local authorities and conservation bodies is an integral part of these investigations, as they have a right to know what will happen with the proposed site and could interject if they find something that is not to their satisfaction.

That is why in addition to documenting their findings, the archaeologist will work closely with these authorities in person so that any changes that might be required can be sorted out quickly and efficiently.

Planning and Research

With any construction project comes a multitude of planning and research. A lot of this will be done by a pre construct archaeologist in Arkley EN5 3 who will determine a site’s suitability and address any possible areas of contention. The archaeologists can be responsible for;

  • Field walking
  • Drainage, flooding and contamination reports
  • Considering the potential air and noise pollution levels
  • The composition of minerals on the site as a foundation
  • How the finished project will affect the area in terms of look and environmental changes
  • Record details of the existing site and any areas of interest that may need conserving
  • Graphic illustrations and technical drawings of the sites’ topography

Anyone of these factors could have the power to bring a project to a screeching halt, so it’s important that the surveys in Arkley are done methodically, accurately and the right paperwork is completed and filed. A good archaeologist knows how important all of these factors are and will keep a project on course with their professionalism.

Our company employs highly skilled archaeologists to carry our appropriate solutions for your site. It is important to choose companies that have the correct accreditations including CHAS and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Contact Us Now

Contact Archaeologist Near Me now if we can be of assistance with any of your needs regarding pre construct archaeology in Arkley EN5 3 or anything similar.

The best archaeologists are the ones that work closest with their clients to ensure a project stays on time, on budget and on track. Just get in touch via the contact form attached and we will get back to you to advise you further on what your project may need.

Covering EN5 3